Wednesday, December 1, 2010

One word

Well, it's December 1st and I don't have a December Daily page to share. My printer ran out of yellow ink so I can't print the photo that I'm using for page one. Instead I'm going to write about a prompt for the day entitled, one word.

We're to chose one word that would describe the year 2010 for ourselves. There are several words that come to my mind: retirement, infirmity, constraints. But the one word that is foremost is the word I had chosen last January that I wanted to focus on this year. That word is peace.

In spite of all that's happened this past year, peace is what I have found in the midst of it all. Retiring in February really set the stage for me to find real peace...with myself, with my family and friends, with my new reality healthwise, and with my place in life. I'm much better at not sweating the small stuff. I don't feel the need to give advice as freely as I have in the past, and I'm able to accept/listen to advice from my family and friends.

I can relax in the evening even when my to-do list is still my left-to-do-tomorrow list. I enjoy scrapbooking and sewing more without the need to compete or have the latest and greatest. I love gardening and accept that my time there is limited by my physical constraints. I don't worry about the weeds quite so much as in the past. I've found peace in my new reality. It's wonderful.

Now it's time to think seriously about another one word for 2011. So far, nothing has really grabbed me, but I'm certain one will float to the surface before the clock strikes 12 on December 31st.

And because no post is complete without a photo, here's one of Eli on her 18 month birthday.

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