Monday, January 3, 2011


once again I'm participating in Ali Edwards' one little word. I've chosen a word to be a guide for what I want to see during the year for the last 3 or 4 years. This year my word is release, as in let go. After looking up the definition of my word in the dictionary, I found that my word has many other definitions. I think I will open up myself to whatever definition seems to prevail.

Originally I had thought to let go of unrealistic expectations, to let go of stuff that I no longer needed or wanted - both physically and emotionally, and to let go of preconceived notions I seem to have regarding this stage of my life. In other words, I wanted to cut to the chase. We'll see what happens.

To start with I have begun decluttering my home. I went through all of the Christmas decorations and culled out those that were worn out or no longer appealed to me and also set aside some that I will give to Eli in the years to come. Those tubs are put away much lighter that they were when I took them down the first part of December. The past couple days I have been going through a box that contains most of my household papers. It's amazing what stuff I have saved. So far, I've dumped 12 pounds of paperwork in the recycle and I'm only 2/3 of the way through it all!
This photo shows it in the wastebasket before it went in the paper recycle.

And here's the box that was once so stuffed full that I couldn't even get another piece of paper in it. I expect it will be only half full when I finish.
Already I feel lighter. I think this OLW will be just fine.

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